

  • Subira K. ’25和Mr. 卡帕乔是我们四月的日常英雄!

    我们很高兴与大家分享苏比拉K. ’25 and 阀杆/Chorale teacher Sonny 卡帕乔是我们四月的日常英雄!

    The campus community nominated employees and students who have been doing great things and living out our values in big and small ways during the month. 每日英雄奖委员会(格雷西R. 1924年,伊莎贝拉. 24岁,塔莎·A. 25岁,凯拉·P. ’26, 教师 members Erika Page, 克里斯汀 McCrehin, Lynnette Saunders, Dr. 谭雅·海厄特博士. Whittney普雷斯顿, Cathy McGehee) received a multitude of nominations and the announcement of winners at Morning Meeting was met with much cheering and applause.
  • 有翅膀的东西——伊莉斯·L. ’26

    Winners of Arts Week Science Photography Contest Capture Stunning Shots

    整个学年, we see many great examples of cross-disciplinary work on display in the halls of Schoolhouse. Last Friday, during Morning Meeting, 美术 Department Chair Julie Fisher and 阀杆 teacher Dr. Meghen Tuttle highlighted the beautiful results of collaboration between two academic areas — fine arts and science — when they announced the winners of this year’s Science Photography Contest.
  • 美术收购


    Monday, April 22, marked the first day of an immersive, week-long 美术 takeover. It all started with a burst of visual arts beaming throughout Schoolhouse. 展品首先出现在地下室, enticing voters to select their favorite amongst a competitive collection of Science Photography Contest entries, 包括 a new bonus category “Design” that aligns with our 2023-2024 theme. 在主楼层, 展品包括摄影, 陶瓷, 画, 和绘画, with Senior Solo Shows featuring bodies of work by the Class of 2024.
  • 为了富足和审美而耕种

    Foxcroft’s 2024 Helen Cudahy Niblack 1942 Arts Lecturer Joneve Murphy's career in farming started right out of college. “I had just finished college and was looking for a summer job while I figured out what my next move was going to be. We had 20 acres in production, I worked almost 80 hours a week that first season.”
  • From Dream to Stunning Reality: "约瑟夫和神奇的彩色梦幻大衣" Wows in FoxHound Auditorium

    Joseph’s “coat of many colors” wasn’t the only thing that dazzled the audience in FoxHound Auditorium last weekend. 为精彩的艺术周画上句号的是 约瑟夫和神奇的彩色梦幻大衣 on Friday and Saturday evening showcased the incredible talent of the cast and crew, 学生之间有很大的合作, 教师, 还有一个教职员的孩子, 太! 艾娃B的歌唱故事. ‘24’s Narrator and the cast’s songs from each scene captivated the audience in place of any formal dialogue — singing throughout the entire show is quite an accomplishment! The Foxcroft community was humming and singing along during the performances and throughout the following week, 由于演出的成功在最后的鞠躬后被谈论得很好.



  • 伯大尼 Stotler摄

    伯大尼 Stotler 

  • 金妮·莱利照片

    金妮 莱利 

  • 克里斯汀·麦克雷欣的照片

    克里斯汀 McCrehin 

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北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, 包括 Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观福克斯克罗夫特.